My project post
Hello my name is Ebony this term in dte we have got the pick of making a robot a app or something online i am in a group of 3 that did not do things but the app is called Pick’n’choose it is a app that will help you so you know if you pantes, shirt and accessories. This is the app's logo.
This is what it looks like when you want to start the app.
After you click the start button it will give you the pick for your gender select the options are other, boy and girl. This is what it looks like.
After you pick a gender it will show you a mannequin and some buttons that say clothing. I will show you the girl one but they all look very similar .
I have not put the clothing in the buttons yet but i have got some clothing for it this is what i have.
Unfortunately this is all the clothing that I have but I'm still working on it. But overall this was a pretty good project .