
Tuesday, 16 November 2021

Health Discovery 2

My health blog post

Humanities paragraph - Lawyer paragraph

 Humanities paragraph - Lawyer paragraph

Article 1 : All human beings are born free and equal in dignity + rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

Abomination/Jim: Jim/Abomination is treated like a prisoner because he is trapped in a cage and not able to talk to people or even go outside.He did not even learn the basics thing a 5 or 6 year old learns.i think this matters because people have there human rights and some of them are free well and equal to dignity and rights. This proves how and why it affected Jim/Abomination. Quote about Abomination/Jim: Jim doesn't see his mum - And she lets her kid live in a cage?...she doesn't know.” - Pg146. This proves that Jim/Abomination was trapped in a cage and did not have free well. This all so proves that marthas mum was scarey and the the mother of Jim or the mums other daughter. SHe was so scead of her own mother that she would not get her son she might had gone to get him if she know that he was trapped in a cage.

Foot Print Analysis

Foot Print Analysis

Footprint analysis to me is where you try to find the person or animal by all at the shape, wear, arch, length / width or maybe just looking at the design of the shoe or foot. People that might want to know the person that left the footprint might be cops that are looking for a criminal or it could be a criminal looking for a hit on someone that turned their back on them.