
Friday, 12 April 2019


Aim: To see which chemical 
mix creates the most gas.

Hypothesis: (What do I think will happen)


Materials: yeast experiment
  1. balloon
  2.  sugar
  3.  yeast
  4.  warm water
  5.  fan ole
  6. bottle
My hypothesis I don not think it would rise because I is a bad combination of yeast and water

grab a empty bottle take off the lid pour 2 tea spoons of yeast into the bottle and one tea spoon on sugar into the balloon using a fhanule next ad a little bit of warm water and then attach the balloon to the top and now wait 


Materials: backing soda and vinegar

  1.  backing soda
  2.  balloon
  3.  empty bottle
  4.  fanoule
  5.  vinegar

grab an empty bottle take off the lid use the funnel  put  backing soda into the bottle then put half a cup of vinegar into a balloon using the funnel then attach the balloon to the top and wait

I think it would work because of the combination of the vinegar and the backing soda would make heaps of gas the  gas would rise to the top to make it blow up


Materials: soda water and salt

  1.   soda water
  2.  balloon
  3. funnel
  4. bottle
  5. salt

gap an empty bottle take off the lid and ad soda water to the bottle using a funnel then grab a balloon using a funnel pot the salt into a balloon then attach the balloon to the bottle and then wait


We new it could work because it would release carbine dioxide.

My images:

the first experiment had lots of bubbles and a medium amount of air in the balloon 
the 2nd experiment had a small amount of bubbles but it was the biggest balloon with the most air and the 3rd balloon  had a medium amount of bubbles and a tiny amount of air inside of the balloon My new hypothesis is that the bottle with the less bubbles inside has the most air inside of the balloon

Balloon 3
( 3 tsp baking soda, ½ cup vinegar)
Balloon 2
( 3 tsp salt, ½ cup soda)
Balloon 1
( 2 tsp yeast, 1 tsp sugar )
Balloon Size (cm)
15 cm19 cm8 cm
medium amount of bubblessmall amountlots of bubbles


I liked all the experiments because I showed how you can have the same gas but with different ingredients it can show different results to your answer and I help us with team building

Friday, 5 April 2019

how to make chocolate chip cookies

       how to make chocolate chip cookies

200g butter
1 cup Chelsea White Sugar
1 cup Chelsea Soft Brown Sugar
2 eggs
2 tsp vanilla essence
3 cups flour
pinch of salt
1 tsp baking powder
2 cups chocolate chips

    Melt butter, and add both sugars and cream these together. Beat in the eggs and vanilla then mix in the dry ingredients. Roll into medium sized balls, making sure the mixture is not too wet! Put on a well greased baking tray. They shouldn't spread too much so flatten slightly. Bake at 180° for 8-10 minutes.

    Tip: you can easily half this recipe. Or roll half into a log, wrap in cling film and freeze. Cut into 15 pieces while still frozen and bake.
hope you like my blog post i hope you like the chocolate chip cookies bye

How to make slime

                  How to make slime

  1. In one bowl mix 1 oz. glue (about ¼ of the glue bottle) and ¼ cup water. If you want colored slime, add food coloring to the glue and water mixture. Lift some of the solution out of the container with the stir stick and note what happens.
  2. Add ¼ cup of borax to the glue and water mixture and stir slowly.The slime will begin to form immediately. Lift some of the solution with the stir stick and observe how the consistency has changed from Step 1.
  3. Stir as much as you can, then dig in and knead it with your hands until it gets less sticky. This is a messy experience but is necessary because it
    allows the two compounds to bond completely. Don’t worry about any
    leftover water in the bowl; just pour it out.
  4. When not in use, store the slime in a plastic bag in the fridge to keep it
    from growing mold.

Hope you like my blog post bye

Tuesday, 2 April 2019



                             Hi readers this is a Blog posts about science hope you like it.

To day we needed to wire about what is a chemical in the name we got giving and we got tolled to                                                          writ if it is a solid liquid or a gas
Solid liquid gas
lemon juice
citric acid
Sodium chloride

Acetic acid
lemon bubbles
carbon dioxide
onion gas
baking soda
Sodium bicarbonate
Maize starch

Today we learnt about what different chemical's there is in different Solid liquid and gas.Not not many people know what to do because it was a new thing to us .It was so surprising by there being so much chemical's in most of my favorite food.Like banana has potassium and cornflour has maize starch.Most people did not know about all of chemical's I there drink.most people know at there is a lot of food with chemical's in it.In most food and drinks there is a lot more chemical's in them then i wrote down. Some people know the answer straight away. Chemicals make up everything in existence, from the air we all breathe to the stars in the sky.

I hope you liked my blog post: bye

I hope you like it 

This is a blog post about what you can grow in autumn and winter the these are the vegetables that you can grow in autumn and winter

Plant. Basilbeetroot, bok choi, broccolicabbage, capsicum, carrotcauliflowercelerycoriandereggplantkale, leek, lettuce, mesclun, onion, parsnip, parsleypotatoes, radish, rhubarb, rocket, silverbeet, spinach, spring onions

thank you for reading my blog post goodbye

Home Chemistry - 1. Introduction


Image result for saltImage result for peperRelated image

Science Badges:

  1. Home chemistry
  2. 15 Points are needed to get a badge
  3. Work to a very high standard that means:
  • All experiments are written up ( Aim, Materials, Steps, Conclusion)
  • Two photos of your experiment
  • 6 sentences at least for a conclusionImage result for science badges

    Aim: To learn the names of 10 household chemicals and identify if they are a solid, liquid or a gas.


    1. Element; A single form of a chemical 
    2. Compound: A mixture made up of 2 or more elements
    3. Reaction: A process in which chemicals mix together to form a new substance.
    4. Mixture: When two or more elements are mixed together.


    1.     lemon juice
    2.     salt
    3.     sugar
    4.    vinegar
    5.    lemon bubbles
    6.   onion gas
    7.   baking soda
    8.   milk
    9.  cornflour 
    10.  Banana 
